First, one should distinguish marketing and communication components in the concept of branding. Public relations, which are involved in brand building and branding, are responsible for developing and protecting a company's identity, brand and product. We define a communicative technique as a set of proven procedures that guarantee the achievement of results in a specified time frame and within the allocated budget. Branding technique is a set of practical communication methods based a company's identity system. First, branding techniques imply the development of each of the elements of a company's corporate identity system, which ensures the recognition of the company's information presence in any communication environment and the retention potential of its message. Second, branding techniques involve: a) communication support of corporate identity, consisting of a thoughtful way of placing each of the elements of corporate identity on the company's internal and external information resources; b) informing about the appearance of each of the elements of this system; c) controlling authenticity, including compliance with the requirements set forth in company style guides; and d) monitoring the external information environment for unauthorised borrowing that can cause damage to the company and its corporate culture and identity. Third, branding techniques imply promotion involving the internal and external publics in the communication of each of the elements of corporate identity to build brand loyalty. The recognition of the brand-forming elements and the loyalty to them largely determine the company's publicity capital, its intangible asset.
Translated title of the contributionBRANDING TECHNIQUES: THE PROBLEM OF DEFINITION
Original languageRussian
Title of host publicationМедиатехнологии в рекламе и связях с общественностью: от теории к практике
Subtitle of host publicationсборник трудов, посвященный 25-летию медийного образования в Ставропольском крае
EditorsЕ. Н. Ежова
Place of PublicationСтаврополь
PublisherСеверо-Кавказский федеральный университет
Number of pages5
ISBN (Print)9785929610103
StatePublished - 2019

    Scopus subject areas

  • Arts and Humanities(all)

    Research areas

  • branding techniques, company's publicity capital, corporate identity, corporate identity communication audit, definition, дефинирование, коммуникационный аудит системы корпоративной идентичности компании, корпоративная айдентика, корпоративная идентичность, пабли-цитный капитал компании, технологии брендинга

ID: 49646852