1. 2024
  2. 2023
  3. Homogenization of the higher-order parabolic equations with periodic coefficients

    Милослова, А. А. & Суслина, Т. А., 27 Dec 2023, (E-pub ahead of print) In: Journal of Mathematical Sciences.

    Research output: Contribution to journalArticlepeer-review

  4. 2022
  5. Experimental evidence for logarithmic fractal structure of botanical trees

    Grigoriev, S. V., Shnyrkov, O. D., Pustovoit, P. M., Iashina, E. G. & Pshenichnyi, K. A., 29 Apr 2022, In: Physical Review E. 105, 4, 044412.

    Research output: Contribution to journalArticlepeer-review

  6. Multicomponent flux growth and composition control of Cu2MnBO5:Ga ludwigites

    Moshkina, E., Krylov, A., Kokh, D., Shabanova, K., Molokeev, M., Bovina, A., Plyaskin, M., Rostovtsev, N. & Bezmaternykh, L., 6 Apr 2022, In: CrystEngComm. 24, 19, p. 3565-3575

    Research output: Contribution to journalArticlepeer-review

  7. 2021
  8. Coherent tunable diffractional pulse shaping and generation of the 0π-pulse in Rb vapor

    Bagayev, S. N., Averchenko, V. A., Chekhonin, I. A., Chekhonin, M. A., Balmaev, I. M. & Mekhov, I. B., 6 Dec 2021, In: Journal of Physics: Conference Series. 2086, 1, 5 p., 012133.

    Research output: Contribution to journalConference articlepeer-review

  9. Electrically Active Defects Induced by α-Particle Irradiation in p-Type Si Surface Barrier Detector

    Bakhlanov, S., Bazlov, N., Chernobrovkin, I., Danilov, D., Derbin, A., Drachnev, I., Kotina, I., Konkov, O., Kuzmichev, A., Mikulich, M., Muratova, V., Trushin, M. & Unzhakov, E., Dec 2021, In: Physica Status Solidi (A) Applications and Materials Science. 218, 23, 5 p., 2100212.

    Research output: Contribution to journalArticlepeer-review

  10. Investigation of Faddeev variant of embedding theory

    Kuptsov, S. S. & Paston, S. A., 1 Nov 2021, In: Journal of Physics: Conference Series. 2103, 1, 012003.

    Research output: Contribution to journalArticlepeer-review

  11. Влияние природных сахаридов на Фурье-спектр плазмы крови человека

    Нечипоренко, А. П., Везо, О. С., Нечипоренко, У. Ю., Плотникова, Л. В., Ситникова, В. Е. & Плотников, П. П., 17 Sep 2021, Актуальные вопросы биологической физики и химии. БФФХ-2021: материалы XVI международной научной конференции, г. Севастополь, 13-17 сентября 2021 г.. Севастополь, p. 151

    Research output: Chapter in Book/Report/Conference proceedingConference abstractspeer-review

  12. Optical control of a dark exciton reservoir

    Kurdyubov, A. S., Trifonov, A. V., Gerlovin, I. Y., Gribakin, B. F., Grigoryev, P. S., Mikhailov, A. V., Ignatiev, I. V., Efimov, Y. P., Eliseev, S. A., Lovtcius, V. A., Aßmann, M., Bayer, M. & Kavokin, A. V., 12 Jul 2021, In: Physical Review B. 104, 3, 15 p., 035414.

    Research output: Contribution to journalArticlepeer-review

  13. Dirac cone manipulation via bismuth and oxygen intercalation underneath graphene on Re(0001)

    Gogina, A. A., Klimovskikh, I. I., Estyunin, D. A., Filnov, S. O. & Shikin, A. M., 22 Jun 2021, In: AIP Conference Proceedings. 2359, 1, 3 p., 02008.

    Research output: Contribution to journalArticlepeer-review

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