

The article concerns the resources of computer technologies in the comparative analysis of original and translated texts. The case study was a multilingual corpus based on two multi-genre texts by V.V. Nabokov, i.e. an excerpt from lectures on foreign literature devoted to the analysis of the novel “Madame Bovary” by Gustave Flaubert as an example of Nabokov’s non-fiction prose and its translations into Russian, French and German; Nabokov’s first novel “Mary” written in Russian, its translation into English, edited by the author himself, and the novel’s subsequent translations into French and German. The study involved a comparative analysis of the results obtained through the same method for texts stylistically different and with different authorship of the translation (a lecture / fiction text from the early period of the author’s creative work, translated by independent translators with and without the author’s participation). From the upper zone of the frequency distributions obtained by software methods, it was possible to select the lexemes that, according to the results of the literary analysis, best reflect the main themes of the works. In the analysis of translation equivalents, statistics of coincidences of other lexemes with the analyzed lexeme in pairs of languages (English–Russian, French–Russian, German–Russian) and their contextual associations in the text have been considered. This case study has been the first attempt to analyze with the help of the applied mathematical and computer methods the ways by which translators achieve equivalence when creatively interpreting the meaning of the source text and setting their own associational fields to reveal the content of the author’s themes.
Язык оригиналарусский
Страницы (с-по)35-46
Число страниц12
ЖурналTerra Linguistica
Номер выпуска3
СостояниеОпубликовано - 2024

ID: 125783961