In our research we examine several thematic groups of current Russian proverbs within our Electronic dictionary of current east Slavonic proverbs. Combining a semiotic approach to paremiology by G. L. Permyakov, the type system of proverbs by M. Kuusi - O. Lauhakangas and our thematic classification of Russian proverbs, we map Russian paremiological vision of the world through description of thematic separate proverbial groups with several subgroups inside. According to our results, the thematic subgroups with great quantity of synonyms or/and antonyms, are the dominating segments of the Russian paremiological vision of the world.
Translated title of the contributionК вопросу о русской паремиологической картине мира (на материале тематических групп пословиц)
Original languageEnglish
Title of host publicationPhraseology, constructions and translation: Corpus-based, computational and cultural aspects.
EditorsJean-Pierre Colson
Place of PublicationLouvain (Belgium)
PublisherPresses universitaires de Louvain
ISBN (Print)978-2-39061-331-2
StatePublished - 2023
EventEUROPHRAS 2021 : conference, organised by the European Association for Phraseology and the University of Louvain - University of Louvain, Louvain-la-Neuve, Belgium
Duration: 6 Sep 20219 Sep 2021


ConferenceEUROPHRAS 2021
Abbreviated titleEUROPHRAS 2021
Internet address

    Scopus subject areas

  • Arts and Humanities(all)

ID: 105912538