Research output: Contribution to journal › Article › peer-review
Reactive navigation of nonholonomic robots for search and tight circumnavigation of group objects through singular inter-object gaps. / Chernov, V.A.; Matveev, A.S.
In: Robotics and Autonomous Systems, Vol. 174, 104649, 01.04.2024.Research output: Contribution to journal › Article › peer-review
T1 - Reactive navigation of nonholonomic robots for search and tight circumnavigation of group objects through singular inter-object gaps
AU - Chernov, V.A.
AU - Matveev, A.S.
N1 - Export Date: 4 March 2024 CODEN: RASOE Адрес для корреспонденции: Matveev, A.S.; Department of Mathematics and Mechanics, Universitetskii 28, Petrodvoretz, Russian Federation; эл. почта: Сведения о финансировании: Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation, Minobrnauka, 075-10-2021-093, RAI-RND-2126 Текст о финансировании 1: This work was supported in part by the Ministry of Science and Higher Education of the Russian Federation (Project No. RAI-RND-2126 , Agreement 075-10-2021-093 ). Пристатейные ссылки: Haddal, C., Gertler, J., Homeland Security: Unmanned Aerial Vehicles and Border Surveillance (2010), p. 11; Behrje, U., Isokeit, C., Meyer, B., Ehlers, K., Maehle, E., AUV-based Quay Wall Inspection Using a Scanning Sonar-based Wall Following Algorithm (2022), OCEANS, Chennai; Yuh, J., Design and control of autonomous underwater robots: A survey (2000) Auton. 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PY - 2024/4/1
Y1 - 2024/4/1
N2 - An underactuated nonholonomic Dubins-vehicle-like robot with a lower-limited turning radius travels with a constant speed in a plane, which hosts unknown complex objects. In its local frame, the robot has sensorial access only to the part of the scene that is within a finite zone of visibility and in direct line of sight. It is required to approach and then circumnavigate the objects, with maintaining a given distance to the currently nearest of them, so that the ideal targeted path is the equidistant curve of the set of the objects. The focus is on the case where this curve cannot be perfectly traced due to excessive contortions and singularities. So the objective is restated as that of automatically finding, approaching and repeatedly tracing an approximation of the equidistant curve that is the best among those trackable by the robot with respecting safety concerns. Though pre-computation of this approximation is a hard problem of computational geometry, we show that autonomously seeking and tracking this approximation can be performed on-the-fly at a miserable computational cost via implementation of the proposed navigation law. This law is hybrid and operates in only a few discrete modes; within any mode, it is reactive, i.e., it directly converts the current observation into the current control. Nonlocal convergence of this law is justified by mathematically rigorous results and is confirmed by computer simulations and real-world experiments. © 2024 Elsevier B.V.
AB - An underactuated nonholonomic Dubins-vehicle-like robot with a lower-limited turning radius travels with a constant speed in a plane, which hosts unknown complex objects. In its local frame, the robot has sensorial access only to the part of the scene that is within a finite zone of visibility and in direct line of sight. It is required to approach and then circumnavigate the objects, with maintaining a given distance to the currently nearest of them, so that the ideal targeted path is the equidistant curve of the set of the objects. The focus is on the case where this curve cannot be perfectly traced due to excessive contortions and singularities. So the objective is restated as that of automatically finding, approaching and repeatedly tracing an approximation of the equidistant curve that is the best among those trackable by the robot with respecting safety concerns. Though pre-computation of this approximation is a hard problem of computational geometry, we show that autonomously seeking and tracking this approximation can be performed on-the-fly at a miserable computational cost via implementation of the proposed navigation law. This law is hybrid and operates in only a few discrete modes; within any mode, it is reactive, i.e., it directly converts the current observation into the current control. Nonlocal convergence of this law is justified by mathematically rigorous results and is confirmed by computer simulations and real-world experiments. © 2024 Elsevier B.V.
KW - Boundary following
KW - Mobile robots
KW - Motion control
KW - Navigation
KW - Nonholonomic constraints
KW - Path Singularities
KW - Computational geometry
KW - Constant speed
KW - Equidistant curves
KW - Non holonomic constraint
KW - Non-holonomic robot
KW - Nonholonomics
KW - Path singularity
KW - Reactive navigation
KW - Turning radius
KW - Underactuated
UR -
U2 - 10.1016/j.robot.2024.104649
DO - 10.1016/j.robot.2024.104649
M3 - статья
VL - 174
JO - Robotics and Autonomous Systems
JF - Robotics and Autonomous Systems
SN - 0921-8890
M1 - 104649
ER -
ID: 117318900