Komagataella phaffii yeast plays a prominent role in modern biotechnology as a recombinant protein producer. For efficient use of this yeast, it is essential to study the effects of different media components on its growth and gene expression. We investigated the effect of methionine on gene expression in K. phaffii cells using RNA-seq analysis. Several gene groups exhibited altered expression when K. phaffii cells were cultured in a medium with methanol and methionine, compared to a medium without this amino acid. Methionine primarily affects the expression of genes involved in its biosynthesis, fatty acid metabolism, and methanol utilization. The AOX1 gene promoter, which is widely used for heterologous expression in K. phaffii, is downregulated in methionine-containing media. Despite great progress in the development of K. phaffii strain engineering techniques, a sensitive adjustment of cultivation conditions is required to achieve a high yield of the target product. The revealed effect of methionine on K. phaffii gene expression is important for optimizing media recipes and cultivation strategies aimed at maximizing the efficiency of recombinant product synthesis.

Translated title of the contributionВлияние метионина на экспрессию генов в клетках Komagataella phaffii
Original languageEnglish
Article number877
Issue number4
StatePublished - 29 Mar 2023

    Research areas

  • AOX1 promoter, Komagataella phaffii, Pichia pastoris, X-33, amino acid metabolism, fatty acid metabolism, methanol metabolism, methionine

    Scopus subject areas

  • Biochemistry, Genetics and Molecular Biology(all)

ID: 106767878