The study analyses the effect of text illustrations on the reading process and text comprehension in children with dyslexia. The following features of the oculomotor activity spatial-temporal parameters were found when reading texts with illustrations: slower reading speed, a greater number of fixations, larger saccade amplitudes, and higher amount of regressive saccades. The presence of illustrations in the text did not affect the reading comprehension.
Original languageEnglish
StatePublished - 2019
EventМеждународный научно-исследовательский конкурс «Студенческие научные достижения» - Пенза, Russian Federation
Duration: 25 Jan 201925 Jan 2019


OtherМеждународный научно-исследовательский конкурс «Студенческие научные достижения»
Abbreviated titleСтуденческие научные достижения
Country/TerritoryRussian Federation

    Research areas

  • dyslexia, eye movements, reading, движения глаз, дислексия, чтение

ID: 78573903