The general philological discipline, Editing, has been part of a journalism curriculum since the middle of the last century. There are leading experts and practice-proven methods of teaching editing to journalism students. In his publication, the author argues for including editorial competencies training in the curriculum of a bachelor’s degree in advertising and public relations. The study draws on the Federal State Educational Standard of Higher Education and the syllabus of the academic discipline. It takes into account market conditions (professional competition, high demands on the part of consumers for the quality of media communications) and the staffing and methodological support for teaching editing in applied communications at St. Petersburg University. The discipline, Editing in Advertising and Public Relations, is focused on an activity-based approach in training specialists in applied communications. Drawing on educational and methodological literature, instruction follows a developed methodology for editorial work with advertising and PR texts.
Key words: editing in advertising and public relations, editing as an academic discipline, curriculum, bachelor's degree in 03.03.01 Advertising and Public Relations, Federal State Educational Standard of Higher Education, syllabus.
Translated title of the contributionРедактирование как часть учебной программы по рекламе и связям с общественностью
Original languageEnglish
Number of pages21288
JournalВЕК ИНФОРМАЦИИ (сетевое издание)
Issue number4 (17)
StatePublished - 2021

    Scopus subject areas

  • Arts and Humanities(all)

ID: 91024966