The paper explores the linguo-didactic possibilities of using a blended learning model of Russian as a
foreign language in post-pandemic conditions. The authors propose an innovative model of blended learning on the
basis of the Chinese app WeChat and justify the latter’s advantages compared with other applications: a wide range
of functions, a high degree of interactivity, openness and a free access to various open e-learning resources designed
for Russian as a foreign language and the providing of high motivation of Chinese students for learning Russian.
Four problems have been identified: low effectiveness in implementing the ideas of blended learning, a lack
of electronic teaching resources, a low level of technological training of the learning process participants and the
low efficiency of the existing blended learning models. A definition is given of the concept of blended learning in
post-pandemic conditions. The paper presents a didactic design of the learning process using a blended learning
model of Russian as a foreign language developed on the basis of the WeChat platform: Block 1 – materials posted
in a WeChat public account; Block 2 – materials posted in a public account and using the Bilibili mini-program in
WeChat, Block 3 – material intended for learning in the lesson (partial use of WeChat) and Block 4 – a chat using
a videocall in WeChat.
The paper identifies stages of work within the blended learning model: the initial stage of learning content
development; the stage of classroom differentiation and modification of the teaching materials; the stage of implementing the blended learning model; the stage of correcting and improving the model. The use of WeChat for
teaching Russian to Chinese students allows organizing the learning process for this group of students more effectively, increasing the students’ motivation and ensuring the durability of knowledge, skills and competencies
in different kinds of language behaviour. It has been proved that the technical characteristics of WeChat make it
possible to substantially reduce the time spent on posting the learning content.
Translated title of the contributionМодель смешанного обучения китайских студентов русскому языку
Original languageEnglish
Pages (from-to)145-154
JournalФилологический класс
Issue number3
StatePublished - 2022

    Scopus subject areas

  • Arts and Humanities(all)

    Research areas

  • blended learning, Learning models, traditional learning, online learning, WeChat, russian as a foreign language

ID: 100090561