The article substantiates the relevance of ensuring the technosphere safety of socio-technical systems based on proactive management and proactive working behavior. The development of ideas about the role of the human factor in solving the problem of integrated adaptive safety of socio-technical systems is described. Modern organizations should be able to adapt to work in an unpredictable social, political and climatic environment, with the likelihood of an unforeseen resonant combination of technical, climatic and humanitarian threats, possessing the capabilities of a comprehensive adaptive system. As a result, the role of the human factor as an active element of the sociotechnical system is increasing. The comparative characteristics of the concepts of classical Safety management systems (SMS), High Reliable Organization (HRO) and Resilience Engineering (RE) are given in terms of the possibilities for ensuring the safety of social and technical systems in a dynamic technosphere environment. Safety managemen
Original languageRussian
Pages (from-to)33-45
JournalВестник Санкт-Петербургского университета. Психология
Issue number1
StatePublished - 2020
Externally publishedYes

    Research areas

  • anticipation, proactive safety management, proactive working behavior, resilience engineering, Safety-II, technosphere safety, антиципация, инжиниринг устойчивости, проактивное рабочее поведение, проактивный менеджмент безопасности, техносферная безопасность

ID: 78494514