Introduction . The article presents the peculiarities of realization of the emotive category in a multimodal advertising texts. The author analyzes this text on the basis of the concepts of emotive background, emotive tone, emotional coloring, emotive theme. The purpose of this article is to demonstrate the features of realization of the emotive category on the example of studying a particular communicative paralinguistic active text. Materials and methods . For analysis, a Raffaello candy advertising video “ Raffaello. And how do you love?” was selected, which got more than 10 and a half million views on YouTube and a flurry of positive comments. The chosen cognitive-communicative approach undoubtedly corresponds to the purpose and object of the study. Results, discussion . On the example of the mini-movie “ Raffaello. And how do you love?” the author demonstrates how visual images of the emotive theme of love are formed with the help of Russian stereotypes about gestures, facial expressions, the actions of
Original languageRussian
Pages (from-to)123-129
JournalВестник Марийского государственного университета
Issue number1 (37)
StatePublished - 2020
Externally publishedYes

    Research areas

  • emotive background, emotive theme, emotive tone, emotivity (emotional breadth), multimodal advertising text, поликодовый многоканальный рекламный текст, эмотема, эмотивная тональность, эмотивность, эмотивный фон

ID: 78463059