The article analyzes N. Gogol's story «The Nose» and formed a new look at its ideological components. If the tradition of Soviet studies offered (after V. Belinsky) in Gogol's novel to accentuate its satirical aspect, then in this work Pushkin's judgment of «the Nose» as a «funny joke» is actualized. A literary game, behind which the image of a fantastic world stands, largely incomprehensible and has its own irrational. The work shows that in the novel «The Nose» Gogol recreated the image of the unsolved world and was able to reflect the amazing feature of human consciousness (psychology), when not only at the level of literature, but also in the real world the part is perceived equal the whole . Moreover, as shown in the work, this «part» of Gogol should not always be «electricity rank» (This statement belongs to the O. Dilaktorskaya), i.e. social (sociologized) component of the character and image. Unlike B. Eichenbaum, who believed that the composition of «The Nose» is not determined by the plot («the plot
Original languageRussian
Pages (from-to)8-15
Issue number3 (18)
StatePublished - 2019
Externally publishedYes

    Research areas

  • metonymy and synecdoche, N. Gogol, philosophy of the part from the whole, Russian literature of the ХIХ century, story "The Nose", метонимия и синекдоха, Н. В. Гоголь, повесть "Нос", русская литература ХIХ в, философия части от целого

ID: 78409018