The article discusses the use (coincidence / divergence) of question-answer complexes in parallel Russian and Chinese journalistic texts on the material of the bilingual journal “Russia and China” and the Internet portal “” hosting Chinese texts and its Russian translations. The analysis of the material showed that question-answer complexes are actively used in most of the analyzed publications in strong text positions (in the headlines, at the beginning of the article) in Chinese and Russian translated texts. That fact demonstrates the stylistic potential of analyzed constructions in parallel texts. Cases of equivalent translation of question-answer complexes (main examples) and differences in their transmission (isolated examples) are characterized on the basis of the analysis of writer pragmatics (author’s and translator’s subjective positions). The presentation of information associated with the coverage of conflicting facts that allows different reactions of Chinese or Russian readers is conside
Original languageRussian
Pages (from-to)197-202
Issue number4 (426)
StatePublished - 2019
Externally publishedYes

    Research areas

  • Chinese texts, expressiveness, journalism, pragmatics, Russian texts, the question-answer complexes, вопросно-ответный комплекс, китайский текст, прагматика, публицистика, русский текст, экспрессивность

ID: 78564696