Historical context, social changes, and trends towards globalization that has taken place in recent years have led to the changes in the structure of workforce. It has become more diverse in terms of ethnic, demographic and gender characteristics. These changes, in line with the confirmed positive link between employee diversity and firm performance, have made diversity management a strategic concern for organizations. In turn, this was reflected in the shift of general human capital management practices, in particular talent management practices, towards more specific and diversity-oriented ones. As gender diversity is one of the most widely spread diversity types, increasing engagement of women in economic and managerial activities makes organizations develop gender-inclusive talent management practices, which may eliminate discrimination and allow the potential of both male and female talents to be equally fulfilled . The analysis of gender- oriented talent management practices of 103 companies in 2019 sho
Original languageRussian
Pages (from-to)34-66
JournalВестник Санкт-Петербургского университета. Менеджмент
Issue number1
StatePublished - 2020
Externally publishedYes

    Research areas

  • diversity management, gender diversity, gender-oriented management practices, russia, talent management, гендерное разнообразие, гендерно-ориентированные практики управления, россия, управление разнообразием, управление талантливыми сотрудниками

ID: 78552105