In the context of the constant development of modern economy, the market advantage is gained by the largest companies, most often multinational companies operating worldwide. At the moment, the largest niches in different segments of the market are already occupied by such companies, however, in the conditions of active development of competition, the leader in the market is not only one, but several opposing companies, between which the struggle of brands can be considered a common phenomenon. This work involves a study that assesses the impact of brand struggles on the performance of major competitors, as well as making a hypothesis about the possibility of using this type of struggle to strengthen the company's position in the market and attract more customers.
Original languageRussian
Pages (from-to)117-119
Issue number3 (37)
StatePublished - 2020

    Research areas

  • brand struggle, competition, global market, transnational corporations, борьба брендов, конкуренция, мировой рынок, транснациональные корпорации

ID: 78472272