In the report we present our version of interpretation of three intentions' co-relation of the Gadamers' philosophical hermeneutic project. The first intention has to do with evaluation of trend towards the revision of Kant's esthetics paradigma (criticism of “subjectivation” of esthetics), reinterpretation of presuppositions of philosophy of self-conscience, critic of “esthetic experience's” abstraction. The second intention can be called revision of hermeneutics's aims in the field of critics of “romantic hermeneutics” approach's limitation. The third intention represents the relation of two others mentioned above towards the anthropological problematic. The report explains the hypothesis of anthropological horizon of Gadamer's ideas, noticed better in the place where he insists on “existential modality” of comprehention. To prove this hypothesis we have used J.Grondin on origins of creation of “Truth and method”, as well as on trends towards “anti-esthetics”, seen in critics of “esthetic conscience”. Critics of Gadamer by Oscar Becker allows set disagreements with union of comprehention theory and Gadamer's project of Dasein analytic. A number of mutually excluded pretentions concerning such important elements of germenvtic theory, as existential history conception. Can't be put apart Gadamer's gemenevtic intention of playing the role of first philosophy, witch he explained equally ambitious and incorrect presupposition to “ follow the way back of the Hegel's “Phenomenology of spirit“, since in every subjectivation its determinative substantivance has to be shown”. Based on the interpretation of phylosophical germenevtics of H.-R.Jauss and I.Inishev is presented our interpretation of Gadamer's iniciatives based on the notion of “horizons merger” and “mediation”.
Original languageRussian
Title of host publicationПервый российский эстетический конгресс
Subtitle of host publicationТезисы докладов
EditorsАртем Радеев
Place of PublicationСанкт-Петербург
Publisher Российское эстетическое общество
Number of pages2
StatePublished - 2018
EventПервый Российский эстетический конгресс - СпбГУ, Санкт-Петербург, Russian Federation
Duration: 17 Oct 201819 Oct 2018


ConferenceПервый Российский эстетический конгресс
Country/TerritoryRussian Federation

ID: 37178302