Along with secularization, modernization and globalization, which unify humanity, there is a renaissance of national cultures and religions. The trend towards identity captured everyone, including Jews. If before the war in Europe and in Russia many of them did not care about "veritia", tried to forget their Jewish roots, then after the war began to fight for recognition. Every people and any person has the right and must believe in "God's election." However, winners should not be humiliated by the losers. Those who live with the consciousness of defeat need to overcome the sentiment expressed in the representation of some victims of others. To avoid vindictiveness and thirst for revenge, it is not necessary to intensify public conversations about the terrible past and leave the solution of controversial issues to historians. Modern media operate according to the laws of the market and do not promote either understanding or forgiveness. They turn an event into a commodity, and the challenge is for the audience gathered at the screens to consume it. The purpose of such «potlatch» is to produce historical memory, which affects the perception of the present. Symbolic, social, human, cultural capital should be created not only by political technologists, but also by scientists. As participants in conversations about the past, historians and philosophers become referees, not judges. Through their participation in public conversations, an ethical decision is made as a result of collective discussion. The moral assessment of the past is made not only on the basis of modern political interests, but also on the basis of the life context of the mores of a historical epoch.