Aim. The presented study aims to substantiate the selection of a sales forecasting method for a small enterprise.
Tasks. The authors systematize sales forecasting methods, define the constraints for the task, briefly describe the applied forecasting methods, forecast sales for a small enterprise using X different methods, compare forecasting data obtained using different methods with the actual sales data, and select a method that provides the most accurate result.
Methods. The scientific forecasting theory serves as the methodological basis of the study. This study also uses such general scientific methods as systems and complex approach, economic and statistical analysis, etc. to substantiate theoretical assumptions and rationalize the conclusions.
Results. A methodology for selecting a sales forecasting method for a small enterprise is proposed.
Conclusions. Small enterprises face the problem of forecasting the volume of sales of their products. The enterprise’s very existence often hinges on the accuracy of forecasting. According to the results of the study, it can be concluded that formalized methods based on the probability theory and statistics are the most appropriate for sales forecasting for small enterprises since they have the highest accuracy, which is critical for small enterprises in view of their limited resources.