The article is aimed to justify the need for popularisation of education as a process ofgenerating a trend for education. The result of this process is a growing appeal of education, its new trendy meanings, inclusion of educational values into mass culture, perception of education by a person as an interesting and exciting activity, voluntary choosingof education as a leisure activity and the social and integrative function of education. The article describes the meaning and structure of the key notion, and reveals the potential ofsupplementary education as the most appropriate sphere for popularisation.
Original languageRussian
Pages (from-to)41-45
JournalНаучное мнение
Issue number6
StatePublished - 2019

    Research areas

  • edutainment, enjoyable studies, popularisation of education, popularisation of science, supplementary education, дополнительное образование, популяризация науки, популяризация образования, учение с увлечением, эдьютейнмент

ID: 78596753