The members of the Judaean Qumran community (arose in the 2nd century BCE) expressed rather skeptical attitude toward fleshly component in man; this position is clearly attested, in particular, in the Community Rule (see, e. g.: 1QS 11:20-22 = 4Qj 8-10). At the same time, they are very optimistic about the possibility of eternal salvation for the righteous souls - chosen by God not only before their “formation,” but also prior to the creation of the Universe by God according to His Plan; it is destined the eternal punishment for souls of the wicked in this Plan as well... The report deals with the creationist doctrine of the Qumran community members, in which God creates the Universe (including the world time - 1J?11; see, e. g.: СВ-А 2:7-8) by His Knowledge (Л11; see e. g.: 1QS 11:11; 1QHa 9:19-20) / Reason (:-:J': ,?:JW) “according to” (cf.: 1QS 3:16) His Л:Wn?/:-:Wn? (“Thought,” “Design;” “Plan,” “Scheme,” “Project”). At this particular attention is paid to the passages of the Community Rule (1QS) 3:15-17, 11:11, 18-20 = 4Qj 5-7 (cf. also: 1QM 13:2; 1QHа 5:6, 12:13, 19:7-8, 21(top):7). Besides Biblical sources of the Qumran creationist teaching (see, e. g.: Jer. 10:12 = 51:15; Prov. 3:19-20, 8:21-31; cf. also: Sir. 24:3f.; 11Q Psa Sirach, Sir. 51:13f.) one can pay attention to the following possible parallelism in the cosmogony of Plato: according to Ti. 28b-48e, 50c, etc. (see also, e. g.: Ly., 219cd), reason (νοῦς; Ti. 39e; cf. also: 38c) of the eternal god-demiurge, looking at the everlasting, unchangeable, intelligible prototype (τὸ παράδειγμα; “model,” “image”), establishes the universe in accordance with it. According to Ti. 38c, “time bourn from god's mind and thought (ἐξ λόγου καὶ διανοίας θεοῦ).” There is a possibility that the Qumran creationistic concept of the Л:Wn?/:-:Wn? - probably implying God's “Plan”/“Scheme”/”Project,” according to which He created of the Universe, - can be correlated with Plato's cosmogony concept of the παράδειγμα.
Translated title of the contributionThe Qumran Creationistic Concept and Plato’s Cosmogony
Original languageRussian
Subtitle of host publicationТезисы докладов XXVIII научной конференции
Place of PublicationСПб.
PublisherПлатоновское философское общество
ISBN (Print)978-5-6043772-7-7
StatePublished - 2020
Event28th International conference «The Universe of Platonic Thought»: «Plato and Rhetoric» - РХГА, Санкт-Петербург, Russian Federation
Duration: 25 Jun 202026 Jun 2020


Conference28th International conference «The Universe of Platonic Thought»: «Plato and Rhetoric»
Country/TerritoryRussian Federation
Internet address

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