The article is devoted to the study of peculiarities of interpersonal tolerance development of primary schoolchildren. The relevance of the problem is connected with social immaturity of children entering school, observed by a number of researchers, and which becomesthe cause of difficultiesin interpersonal communication and conflict situations in the children’s team. The experimental research was conducted on the pupils of two forms of primary school with the poll of parents and teachers. Asthe diagnostic tool the following methods were used: the method of studying children’s tolerance (UNESCO materials, the author – Dominique de Saint Mars); talk (to reveal interpersonal relationships in game activities); a fragment of projective film-test by R. Gille. As the result of the research it has been revealed that for the most of primary schoolchildren of the both studied groups are characterized by low arbitrariness of reactions, poor development of volitional properties, lack of desire to adopt group norms of behavior. The average level of development of interpersonal tolerance and lack of willingness to responsible behavior in the social environment of the studied primary schoolchildren requires focused formative work of specialists.