The content of the notion “translation of terms” in the onomasiological and semasiological aspects is considered in the article. On the basis of the analysis of scientific works in the field of terminology and translation studies the authors show that the notion under consideration is palliative, not defined and does not have a determined volume of meaning. As a consequence, the use of the term “translation of terms” does not allow differentiating various aspects of the study of interlanguage terminological equivalents and speech mechanisms for compensating the interlanguage asymmetry of terminological systems. This enables to raise the question of the correspondence of the notion “translation of terms” to the real content of research at the junction of terminology and translation studies.

Translated title of the contribution“TRANSLATION OF TERMS” AS A PALLIATIVE NOTION
Original languageRussian
Pages (from-to)102-106
Issue number7-1 (85)
StatePublished - 2018

    Research areas

  • term, terminological system, term translation, equivalence, conceptual system

ID: 37789341