According to the author, the term “media education” seems highly debatable. There was not and could not be any special, separate media education. This term only confuses and obscures the real problems associated with the prospects of educational activities. Education is one of the main means of forming a person’s culture in its various forms, it develops those properties of a person that are needed by both man and society to be included in socially valuable activities. It can be professional, natural-scientific or humanitarian, philosophical or historical, ethical or aesthetic, etc. etc., since it is intended to form certain qualities of a person, and from the author’s point of view, it does not make sense to introduce technological parameters of the educational process as a kind (type) of education. So, the processes of digitalization of public life, associated with the increasing role of the media in society, affect the technology of filing philosophical material, but not it's content. Therefore, the introd
Original languageRussian
Pages (from-to)87-89
Issue number5
StatePublished - 2020
Externally publishedYes

    Research areas

  • digitalization, mediaeducation, philosophical education, медиаобразование, философское образование, цифровизация

ID: 78571736