The article is prepared being based on materials of the webinar of the same name organized within the New Didactics project of the Federal educational and methodical association of higher education «Education. Pedagogical sciences». The article emphasizes the idea that the modern information society has changed the essence of education, as well as connected people into the global system of learning communities. From the point of view of academic transformation, the author analyzes such didactic phenomena as digitalization of education, value-sense space of online training, ensuring the involvement of students into the educational process. The article formulates three key issues of digital transformation of pedagogical education: «Does the system of pedagogical education need its own electronic platform?», «What is a design element for online education - a lesson, lecture or a task?», «How should advanced preparation of teachers for the organization of electronic education be organized?» In the course of the s
Original languageRussian
Pages (from-to)8-14
Issue number1 (112)
StatePublished - 2020
Externally publishedYes

    Research areas

  • didactics, digitalization, pedagogical education, дидактика, педагогическое образование, цифровизация

ID: 78518787