The article considers the relationship between giftedness and multilingualism. Multilingualism, which we understand broadly as the ability to speak several languages, is an exceptional social phenomenon and covers large areas of the world. In many cases, multilingualism is an indicator of a person’s education and success. More often it is realized in forms of bilingualism and trilingualism. Studying the development of children who grew up in bilingual and multilingual families is especially relevant in recent decades. Representatives of different fields of human science: psychology, psycholinguistics, linguodidactics, philosophy, pedagogy actively address this problem. Within the theoretical development of this problem the factors influencing the formation of a bilingual personality, the processes of its formation and development are being studied, the structure of abilities and “super abilities" of bilingual children, allowing them to learn different language codes and to switch from one code to another depending on the situation of communication, is considered. The objectives of the experimental work include: 1) identification of the predispositions underlying bilingual abilities; 2) investigation of the mechanisms of their formation; 3) conditioning of language abilities by socio-pedagogical factors. The qualities which facilitate acquisition of a foreign (second, third) language and thereby promote fast and successful acquisition of foreign language speech competence, represent a special kind of abilities - “pragmatic", or abilities of optimum use of various systems of symbolic forms participating in realization of a function of communication. Some studies define them as “foreign language abilities", other researchers call them “linguistic/language flair". These abilities are not locally limited, they are related to intelligence, motivation, age of the acceptor and a number of other factors influencing the formation of a bilingual/multilingual personality. Therefore, determining the features of the structure of a bilingual/multilingual personality and the stages of its formation seems to be very important for understanding the relationship between multilingualism and giftedness. This point is especially emphasized by the authors of the article.