The article deals with one of the directions of preschool education-the formation of moral qualities in preschool children. The problems and possible ways of their solution are analyzed, the content of interaction between adults and children aimed at moral development is revealed. Teachers and psychologists attach special importance to the preschool period in the formation of personality and its moral values, as the process of formation of value orientations can be carried out both consciously and unconsciously. According to teachers, preschool age is a period of active development of moral norms, the formation of moral habits, feelings, relationships, this is an important stage in the formation of mechanisms of behavior and activity, in the formation of the personality of the preschooler as a whole. This is due to the changes taking place in the mental and emotional-volitional development of preschool children, in the motivational sphere, in communication with adults and peers, in the achieved level of moral education. Note that children are actively interested in meaningful communication with adults. The content of moral ideas, which are actively formed in preschool age, includes ideas about the work of people, the importance of work and collective character, social phenomena, patriotism and citizenship, the norms of behavior in a group of peers, respect for adults. In the senior preschool age it is necessary to enrich the moral experience of children by organizing the collective life and activities of the child, encouraging him to cooperate with other children and adults, to consider not only their own interests, but also the needs and needs of others. From this follows the importance of proper organization of moral education from early childhood. Otherwise, development is not excluded, the consequences of which are extremely difficult to eliminate.
Translated title of the contributionTHE MORAL DEVELOPMENT OF PRESCHOOLERS
Original languageRussian
Pages (from-to)91-100
Issue number3
StatePublished - 2019

ID: 50422520