The new Standard Academic Grammar will be just one of a set of grammars whose overall aim is to account for the mechanisms and processes underlying speech. It should be realized that such a grammar is intended for the talkers establishing for the latter currently recognized norms in phonetics, grammar, etc. Besides, there must be grammars for the hearers as well which describe how the latter extract meaning out of running texts. Such a grammar for the hearers is not just a result of the modality switch; it helps us penetrate into inner processes normally “camouflaged” by the traditional orthography. One of such processes is the reduction of morphological paradigms, which, in turn, gives rise to abundance of “new” homonyms in grammar.
Original languageRussian
Title of host publicationРусская грамматика 4.0
Subtitle of host publicationСборник тезисов Международного научного симпозиума
Place of PublicationМ
PublisherГосударственный институт русского языка им. А.С. Пушкина
ISBN (Print)978-5-98269-140-8
StatePublished - 2016
EventРусская грамматика 4.0 Международный научный симпозиум - Москва, Russian Federation
Duration: 13 Apr 201616 Apr 2016


OtherРусская грамматика 4.0 Международный научный симпозиум
Country/TerritoryRussian Federation
Internet address

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