
Doctor of Philology, Ph.D., professor of the Department of the History of Russian Literature of St. Petersburg State University, translator, writer. The author of the monograph “Problems of Communication in Chekhov’s Works” (2005), more than 180 scientific articles, two novels and a collection of short stories, as well as twenty books of literary and scolarly translations from English. The main scolarly works are devoted to modern theories of literature, the history of culture, the theory of speech acts and speech genres, Anton  Chekhov’s poetics, contemporary Russian prose, Russian as a foreign language teaching methodologies, rhetoric. Laureate of the Faculty of Philology of St. Petersburg State University Prize for the best scholarly work (2006), Prize of the “Neva” Magazine (2009), finalist of the “New Literature Prize” (2009), laureate of the Nikolai Gogol Prize (2011). Lives in St. Petersburg.

Research output

  1. Polakiewicz, Leonard A. (2024). Interpreting Chekhov’s Prose. Academic Studies Press. (review)

    Research output: Contribution to journalArticlepeer-review

  2. Valoraciones de la obra de Chéjov por el propio escritor y por sus coetá-neos

    Research output: Contribution to journalArticlepeer-review

  3. Корелли, Мари. Скорби Сатаны. Роман

    Research output: Other contributionOther

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