Research interests

1989 – graduated from St. Petersburg (then Leningrad) State University,  Department of Classics

1989 – 1992 – postgraduate student, Department of Classics

1996 – PhD thesis “Ancient Tradition about the Persian Magi”

1994 – lecturer at the Department of Classics, SPbSU

1997 – student in Modern Greek, Aristotle University, Thessaliniki, Greece

Since 1999 – Associate Professor, since 2014 – Head of the Department of Classics, SPbSU

Since 2014 – Editor-in-Chief of the journal Philologia Classica

Published a monograph “Ancient Tradition about the Persian Magi” (2011), a book “The Life of St. Andrew the Fool” (translation from Ancient Greek, preface, commentary (in Russian), 2001 and 22007)), as well as a number of papers on Classical Philology, Latin and Greek Linguistics. 

Research fields – Latin and Greek Linguistics, Greek aretalogy, Byzantine  hagiography, Greek and Roman syncretic cults.  


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