The article presents answers to the following questions formulated by the editorial board of the journal “Solovyov Studies”: How do you assess the current state of research in this field and, in particular, the heritage of V.S. Solovyov? Is there obvious success in publishing the heritage of Russian philosophers and rather sufficient activity of relevant studies? What are the failures and what, in your opinion, are the reasons for them? In recent years in the community of researchers of the history of Russian philosophy one can hear the opinion that the philosophical heritage of V.S. Solovyov is irrelevant. In your opinion, has Solovyov lost his relevance? What aspects of his philosophical, literary and journalistic legacy have not yet been sufficiently developed, are there prospects for the development of the philosophy of unitotality, or does it belong entirely to history? The significance of V.S. Solovyov's legacy as the first, most developed philosophical system and the relevance of his teachings as the most successful example of philosophical thought in Russian are considered. The contribution of V.S. Solovyov to the development of philosophical terminology in Russia is pointed out. A brief outline of the historiography of Russian philosophy is given. It is noted that there is not a large number of critical editions of the sources of Russian philosophy, that the research of the history of Russian philosophy is not a priority in national science and educational policy, that there is not enough historiographical reflection. Modern researchers of Russian philosophy have not formulated fundamentally new approaches and belong to the same historiographical paradigm as the authors of the early 20th century. The situation can be changed by creating a new historical and philosophical narrative. © 2024 Ivanovo State Power Engineering University. All rights reserved.