
Topic modeling as an instrument of probabilistic clustering for text collections has gained particular attention within the computational social science in Russia. This chapter looks at how topic modeling techniques have been developed and employed by the Russian scholars, both for Russian and other languages. We divide the works on topic modeling into methodological, applied, relational, and those dedicated to modeling quality assessment. While the methodological studies are the most developed, the works explaining the substance of the Russian-language discussions cover an important niche in political and social science. However, there is a gap between method-oriented works that treat Russian as “language as such” and the works by computational linguists who focus on Russian but treat topic modeling as a method of secondary importance.
Язык оригиналаанглийский
Название основной публикацииThe Palgrave Handbook of Digital Russia Studies
РедакторыDaria Gritsenko, Mikhail Kopotev, Marielle Wijermars
Место публикацииCham
ИздательPalgrave Macmillan Ltd.
ISBN (электронное издание)978-3-030-42855-6
ISBN (печатное издание)978-3-030-42854-9
СостояниеЭлектронная публикация перед печатью - 16 дек 2020

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