• O. N. Kondrat'eva
  • G. E. Nikiforova
  • A. V. Tyurin
  • E. V. Shevchenko
  • E. V. Andrusenko
  • M. N. Smirnova
  • V. A. Ketsko
  • K. S. Gavrichev

A comparative study of the thermodynamic and magnetic properties of the Ga-substituted magnesium ferrite polycrystalline samples Mg(Fe1-x Ga x )2O4 with x = 0.2 and x = 0.4 was carried out. The low-temperature heat capacity of the sample with x = 0.2 was measured by adiabatic calorimetry. Based on the smoothed heat capacity data C p,m°(T) for Mg(Fe0.8Ga0.2)2O4, the standard thermodynamic functions were determined in a temperature range 2-800K. A broad heat capacity anomaly below 60K, which can be attributable to the magnetic order-disorder transition, was observed for both samples. The field-dependence of magnetizations in an applied magnetic field up to ± 50kOe revealed the ferrimagnetic behaviour of the samples. The values of Curie temperature (T C ) and the blocking temperature (T B ) were determined from ZFC-FC magnetization measurements. Based on the results of heat capacity and magnetic measurements, the low temperature state in the Mg(Fe0.6Ga0.4)2O4 sample may be attributed to a spin glass-like state.

Язык оригиналаанглийский
Страницы (с-по)4367-4374
ЖурналCeramics International
Номер выпуска4
СостояниеПринято в печать - 2017

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ID: 13344070