
  • Droplets2015

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It is well recognized fact now that kinetics of heterogeneous nucleation on charged and completely wettable particles has many similar features. This similarity is associated with possibility of barrierless nucleation at vapor supersaturations above some threshold value and with existence of stable (equilibrium) and unstable (critical) droplets at each supersaturation between zero and the threshold value [1,2]. The equilibrium and critical droplets correspond to minimum and, respectively, to maximum of the work of droplet formation, they merge at the threshold vapor supersaturation. Below the threshold value of vapor supersaturation, the equilibrium droplet becomes smaller than the critical one. Radii of both droplets equal several nanometers in the case of ion-induced nucleation. In the case of nucleation on wettable particles, the radii of the droplets can be larger, but the thickness of the liquid film, which forms the droplets, is still of the nanometric scale. Here in this report, we present the resul
Язык оригиналаанглийский
СостояниеОпубликовано - 2015
СобытиеDroplets 2015. International workshop - Enschede, Нидерланды
Продолжительность: 5 окт 20157 окт 2015

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рабочая группа/совещание/тренингDroplets 2015. International workshop
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