• E. I. Vaishlia
  • E. V. Afanaseva
  • V. D. Andreeva
  • I. E. Kolesnikov

Abstract—: Gd2(WO4)3 and Gd2(WO4)3:0.5% Tm3+, 10% Yb3+ nanopowders have been prepared by the Pechini method and solid-state sintering. According to X-ray diffraction results, the materials prepared by the Pechini method are more uniform in phase composition. Optimal synthesis conditions were defined: t = 900°C and τ = 1 h for Gd2(WO4)3 and t = 950°C and τ = 3 h for Gd2(WO4)3:0.5% Tm3+, 10% Yb3+. The surface morphology of the materials has been studied by scanning electron microscopy. The samples prepared by solid-state sintering have been found to be highly agglomerated, and large agglomerates have been shown to persist even after ultrasonic processing. The average size of the doped and undoped nanoparticles prepared by the Pechini method has been determined to be 44.0 and 47.6 nm, respectively. Luminescence spectra of Gd2(WO4)3:0.5% Tm3+, 10% Yb3+ were measured and compared the intensities of the Tm3+1G43H6, 1G4 → 3F4, 3F1,23H6, and 3H43H6 radiative transitions in the materials prepared by both methods. The data obtained in this study demonstrate that the Pechini process is a preferable and promising method for the synthesis of Gd2(WO4)3 and Gd2(WO4)3:Tm3+,Yb3+ nanopowders.

Язык оригиналаанглийский
Страницы (с-по)805-810
Число страниц6
ЖурналInorganic Materials
Номер выпуска8
СостояниеОпубликовано - 1 авг 2021

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ID: 86366670