

The complexes [Pt(tpp)] (H 2 tpp=tetraphenylporphyrin), [M(acac) 2 ] (M=Pd, Pt, Hacac=acetylacetone), and [Pd(ba) 2 ] (Hba=benzoylacetone) were co-crystallized with highly electron-deficient arene systems to form reverse arene sandwich structures built by π-hole⋅⋅⋅[M II ] (d 8 M=Pt, Pd) interactions. The adduct [Pt(tpp)]⋅2 C 6 F 6 is monomeric, whereas the diketonate 1:1 adducts form columnar infinity 1D-stack assembled by simultaneous action of both π-hole⋅⋅⋅[M II ] and C⋅⋅⋅F interactions. The reverse sandwiches are based on noncovalent interactions and calculated ESP distributions indicate that in π-hole⋅⋅⋅[M II ] contacts, [M II ] plays the role of a nucleophile.

Язык оригиналаанглийский
Страницы (с-по)4164-4168
Число страниц5
ЖурналAngewandte Chemie - International Edition
Номер выпуска13
СостояниеОпубликовано - 22 мар 2019

    Предметные области Scopus

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ID: 39316018