Several theories and researches of social science and liberal arts have been analyzed to define their place in defi ning specifi cs of cross-cultural communication. Classification of theories and comparison of research results allow making conclusions about correlation between media and social and political institutions. Today researches of ethnic-social relations in Internet may be separated into several groups by some principles. First one is researches that study ethnic nature and ethnic-social relations via texts, and works based on the study of ethnic affi liation via metadata. The second one is between research of ethnic character on the base of study of text and representation of users. Works covering the process of forming “cyberidentity” (including ethnic) should be separated from research where discourse ethnic character is considered “equal to itself” (“Russian” in Internet is equal to “Russian” beyond the net).
Язык оригиналаанглийский
Страницы (с-по)148-153
ЖурналInternational Review of Management and Marketing
ТомSpecial Issue for "Media as the Tool: Management of Social Proc esses"
Номер выпуска5(Special Issue)
СостояниеОпубликовано - 2015

ID: 3982044