The English proverbial parallels of the Russian-Bulgarian paremiological core are analysed in the article. The comparison of
current Bulgarian proverbs and their English proverbial parallels is based upon the material of the author’s multi-lingual dictionary
and her collection of Bulgarian-Russian proverbial parallels published as a result of her sociolinguistic paremiological experiment from
2003 (on the basis of 100 questionnaires filled by 100 Bulgarian respondents) and supported in 2013 with the current Bulgarian contexts
from the Bulgarian Internet. The number of 'alive' Bulgarian-English proverbial parallels, constructed from the paremiological
questionnaires (pointed out by 70 % - 100 % respondents) is 62, the biggest part of which belongs to the proverbial parallels with a
similar inner form (35), i.e. the biggest part of the segment of the current Bulgarian-English paremiological core (reflecting the Russian
paremiological minimum) contains proverbial parallels with a similar inner form