
  • RusanovDiscoveries

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Abstract: The author gives an overview of his discoveries along the lines of new lawsand new phenomena. Included are the following sections: explanation ofatmospheric phenomena, such as the occurrence of atmospheric electricity and thepresence of precipitation at low supersaturation of water vapor in theatmosphere; development of classical laws of thermodynamics (Laplace, Young andKelvin equations, phase rules, Gibbs adsorption equations and laws ofKonovalov), consideration of nano-corrections to the Gibbs–Curie principle andthe Gibbs phase equilibrium condition for a soluble solid particle. Section ofnew phenomena open surface properties of water and wetting anisotropy. Asignificant part of the review is the section “Mechanochemistry: laws and newphenomena.” Here the tensors of chemical potential and chemical affinity arecharacterized, the mechanochemical effects of dissolution and stress corrosion,mechanochemical effects in redox reactions involving iron and themechanochemical effect sign of deformation in wetting phenomena are described.The theme of new phenomena is continued by the strong dependence of the contactangle on the pressure in the liquid and the temperature pinning of the contactangle. The final part tells about the discovery of a new thermodynamicpotential, called the J-potential. Thenecessity of introducing such a potential is manifested in the thermodynamics ofsolid or mixed systems subjected to complex mechanical stresses. Threeapplications are demonstrated for J-potential: in the derivation of the classical Gibbs and Neumannequations, in the thermodynamics of thin films and in the theory of strength ofmaterials.

Язык оригиналаанглийский
Страницы (с-по)539-583
Число страниц45
ЖурналRussian Journal of General Chemistry
Номер выпуска4
СостояниеОпубликовано - апр 2022

    Предметные области Scopus

  • Химия (все)

ID: 94596885