This paper attempts to analyze current practices of literary journalism, manifest in the format of a column as its meta-genre, and media criticism as its global content. Critics mainly focus on media products from such creative industries as modern television, theatre, cinema, as well as on literature and the work of cultural institutions. One of the most prominent journalists concerned with these issues is Tatyana Moskvina. The paper draws attention especially to a definition of literary journalism as a community of creative personalities with different professional backgrounds, working on staff or as freelancers, who are concerned with the most pressing issues and give their reviews in unconventional creative genres.
Язык оригиналаанглийский
ЖурналWorld of Media. Yearbook of Russian Media and Journalism Studies
СостояниеОпубликовано - 2017
Опубликовано для внешнего пользованияДа

ID: 7749301