Результаты исследований: Научные публикации в периодических изданиях › статья › Рецензирование
Justice of the Russian Empire in Bessarabia in the late 19th and early 20th century: adaptation to diversity. / Verniaev, I.I.
в: Rusin, Том 74, 2023, стр. 109-132.Результаты исследований: Научные публикации в периодических изданиях › статья › Рецензирование
T1 - Justice of the Russian Empire in Bessarabia in the late 19th and early 20th century: adaptation to diversity
AU - Verniaev, I.I.
N1 - Export Date: 11 March 2024 Адрес для корреспонденции: Verniaev, I.I.; St. Petersburg State University, 7/9 Universitetskaya Embankment, Russian Federation; эл. почта: i.verniaev@spbu.ru Сведения о финансировании: Russian Science Foundation, RSF Текст о финансировании 1: This research was supported by Grant N 23-18-00268 (“Justice in the system of security maintenance and in the processes of integrating the periphery regions of the Russian empire (the 18 – early 20 centuries)” from the Russian Science Foundation, https://rscf.ru/en/project/23-18-00268/ realized in Tymen State University. Текст о финансировании 2: *This research was supported by Grant N 23-18-00268 (“Justice in the system of security maintenance and in the processes of integrating the periphery regions of the Russian empire (the 18 – early 20 centuries)” from the Russian Science Foundation, https://rscf. ru/en/project/23-18-00268/ realized in Tymen State University. 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PY - 2023
Y1 - 2023
N2 - Discussions continue regarding the extent to which the judicial reform of 1864 was successful. Some researchers argue that the reform failed, citing the mismatch of the new unified system with the multicultural context. Less represented in historiography are opinions on the relative success of the reform and the mutual adaptation of the new judicial system and local communities. These historiographical positions are examined using materials from the Bessarabian Governorate. Analysis of diverse data led to the conclusion regarding the relative success of the judicial reform in Bessarabia. Key directions and factors of mutual adaptation of post-reform justice (mainly magistrate courts) and the region’s population have been identified. The combination of regional stability in the judiciary, the local origin of most judges, and their high professional level facilitated this societal process. Honorary magistrate judges played a special role, representing both the Bessarabian elite and other ethno-social groups. Legalized local Bessarabian law continued to occupy a significant place in post-reform justice practice. Special attention is given to the mediating role of the extrajudicial environment in accommodating imperial justice (bureaucrats, translators, official and unofficial lawyers, judicial consultants and others). Statistics of civil cases are considered as a criterion for the level of mutual adaptation of the new justice and the population of Bessarabia. The conclusion is drawn about the exceptional judicial-civil activity of the region’s residents with different social and ethno-confessional affiliations. © 2023 Association 'Rus'. All rights reserved.
AB - Discussions continue regarding the extent to which the judicial reform of 1864 was successful. Some researchers argue that the reform failed, citing the mismatch of the new unified system with the multicultural context. Less represented in historiography are opinions on the relative success of the reform and the mutual adaptation of the new judicial system and local communities. These historiographical positions are examined using materials from the Bessarabian Governorate. Analysis of diverse data led to the conclusion regarding the relative success of the judicial reform in Bessarabia. Key directions and factors of mutual adaptation of post-reform justice (mainly magistrate courts) and the region’s population have been identified. The combination of regional stability in the judiciary, the local origin of most judges, and their high professional level facilitated this societal process. Honorary magistrate judges played a special role, representing both the Bessarabian elite and other ethno-social groups. Legalized local Bessarabian law continued to occupy a significant place in post-reform justice practice. Special attention is given to the mediating role of the extrajudicial environment in accommodating imperial justice (bureaucrats, translators, official and unofficial lawyers, judicial consultants and others). Statistics of civil cases are considered as a criterion for the level of mutual adaptation of the new justice and the population of Bessarabia. The conclusion is drawn about the exceptional judicial-civil activity of the region’s residents with different social and ethno-confessional affiliations. © 2023 Association 'Rus'. All rights reserved.
KW - Bessarabia
KW - extrajudicial intermediaries
KW - judicial activity
KW - judiciary
KW - local law
KW - magistrate courts
KW - post-reform judicial system
KW - regional adaptation
KW - Russian Empire
U2 - 10.17223/18572685/74/5
DO - 10.17223/18572685/74/5
M3 - статья
VL - 74
SP - 109
EP - 132
SN - 1857-2685
ER -
ID: 117488381