This article suggests that the Carolingian effort in resetting the calendar of history at the time of Charlemagne’s coronation to the year 6000 from the Creation and 801 from the Incarnation of Christ must be considered as only one of the period in the cycle of the processes of realigning, resetting and redeploying the calendar since the times of Augustine. During this period, the calculations necessary for the construction of the calendars and timelines lead to concerns regarding the end of history and the “end of times”. The first time scholars like Jerome and Augustine had to address the ending of the calendar of the universal sacred history that the Christians inherited from the Old Testament was during the 4th and 5th centuries. The Carolingian period witnessed the second “time of reckoning” when Eusebius’ date for the Incarnation of the Anno Mundi 5199 prompted scholars to reconsider the meaning of the Carolingian rule around the year 801, that is, the Anno Mundi 6000.
Язык оригиналаанглийский
Страницы (с-по)229-270
Число страниц42
ЖурналHistoria da Historiografia
Номер выпуска33
СостояниеОпубликовано - авг 2020

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ID: 71315043