

Currently, the TAAR1 receptor has been identified in various cell groups in the intestinal wall. It recognizes biogenic amine compounds like phenylethylamine or tyramine, which are products of decarboxylation of phenylalanine and tyrosine by endogenous or bacterial decarboxylases. Since several gut bacteria produce these amines, TAAR1 is suggested to be involved in the interaction between the host and gut microbiota. The purpose of this present study was to clarify the TAAR1 function in the intestinal wall and estimate the TAAR1 gene knockout effect on gut microbiota composition. By analyzing public transcriptomic data of the GEO repository, we identified TAAR1 expression in enterocytes, enteroendocrine cells, tuft cells, and myenteric neurons in mice. The analysis of genes co-expressed with TAAR1 in enteroendocrine cells allows us to suggest the TAAR1 involvement in enteroendocrine cell maturation. Also, in myenteric neurons, we identified the co-expression of TAAR1 with calbindin, which is specific for sensory neurons. The 16S rRNA gene-based analysis of fecal microbiota revealed a slight but significant impact of TAAR1 gene knockout in mice on the gut microbial community, which manifests in the higher diversity, accompanied by low between-sample variability and reorganization of the microbial co-occurrence network.

Язык оригиналаанглийский
Номер статьи13216
ЖурналInternational Journal of Medical Sciences
Номер выпуска23
СостояниеОпубликовано - 9 дек 2024

ID: 128234915