Semi-denaturing detergent agarose gel electrophoresis (SDD-AGE) was proposed by Vitaly V. Kushnirov in the Michael D. Ter-Avanesyan’s laboratory as a method to compare sizes of amyloid aggregates. Currently, this method is widely used for amyloid investigation, but mostly as a qualitative approach. In this work, we assessed the possibilities and limitations of the quantitative analysis of amyloid aggregate size distribution using SDD-AGE results. For this purpose, we used aggregates of two well-characterized yeast amyloid-forming proteins, Sup35 and Rnq1, and developed a protocol to standardize image analysis and process the result. A detailed investigation of factors that may affect the results of SDD-AGE revealed that both the cell lysis method and electrophoresis conditions can substantially affect the estimation of aggregate size. Despite this, quantitative analysis of SDD-AGE results is possible when one needs to estimate and compare the size of aggregates on the same gel, or even in different experiments, if the experimental conditions are tightly controlled and additional standards are used.

Язык оригиналаанглийский
Страницы (с-по)118-128
Число страниц11
Номер выпуска1
СостояниеОпубликовано - 1 янв 2020

    Предметные области Scopus

  • Инфекционные заболевания
  • Клеточная и молекулрная нейробиология
  • Биохимия
  • Клеточная биология

ID: 52950895