

One of the promising areas in MRI diagnostics is the mapping of the distribution of nuclei other than 1 H. It is caused by the presence of such nuclei in molecules involved in important biological processes. The spatial distribution of these nuclei in a body can be judged on those or other pathological processes occurring in it. One of such nuclei is 31P, which plays an important role in a living organism. So, adenosine triphosphate is a main metabolite that plays a fundamental role as an energy transfer molecule and is involved in the construction of the cell membrane and in many other processes, for example, a phosphate donor and a signaling molecule inside the cells. This work presents the technique of displaying phosphorus-containing components in a ultralow magnetic feld (7 mT) without a receiving signal of 31P using the double magnetic resonance method. The working substance in a phantom was the compound trimethyl phosphate (CH3O)3PO.
Переведенное названиеОтображение фосфорсодержащих компонентов на низкочастотных магнитно-резонансных изображениях с использованием двойного магнитного резонанса
Язык оригиналаанглийский
Число страниц12
ЖурналApplied Magnetic Resonance
СостояниеЭлектронная публикация перед печатью - 2 дек 2019

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ID: 49595523