The reactions of the monomeric phosphanylboranes Ph2P–BH2·NMe3 (1a) and tBuHP–BH2·NMe3 (1b) with the main group Lewis acids BH3 and BBr3 yield the adducts H3B·Ph2P–BH2·NMe3 (2a) and H3B·tBuHP–BH2·NMe3 (2b), Br3B·Ph2P–BH2·NMe3 (3a), and Br3B·tBuHP–BH2·NMe3 (3b). All these compounds were completely characterized by single-crystal X-ray structure analysis, NMR and IR spectroscopy as well as mass spectrometry and DFT computations. The secondary and tertiary phosphines 1a and 1b behave as classical Lewis bases to coordinate BX3 (X = H, Br) as terminal groups.

Язык оригиналаанглийский
Страницы (с-по)1326-1330
Число страниц5
ЖурналZeitschrift fur Anorganische und Allgemeine Chemie
Номер выпуска21
СостояниеОпубликовано - 17 ноя 2017

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ID: 14471814