• Emma Evergren
  • Melissa Marcucci
  • Nikolay Tomilin
  • Peter Löw
  • Vladimir Slepnev
  • Fredrik Andersson
  • Helge Gad
  • Lennart Brodin
  • Pietro De Camilli
  • Oleg Shupliakov

Amphiphysin is a protein enriched at mammalian synapses thought to function as a clathrin accessory factor in synaptic vesicle endocytosis. Here we examine the involvement of amphiphysin in synaptic vesicle recycling at the giant synapse in the lamprey. We show that amphiphysin resides in the synaptic vesicle cluster at rest and relocates to sites of endocytosis during synaptic activity. It accumulates at coated pits where its SH3 domain, but not its central clathrin/AP-2-binding (CLAP) region, is accessible for antibody binding. Microinjection of antibodies specifically directed against the CLAP region inhibited recycling of synaptic vesicles and caused accumulation of clathrin-coated intermediates with distorted morphology, including flat patches of coated presynaptic membrane. Our data provide evidence for an activity-dependent redistribution of amphiphysin in intact nerve terminals and show that amphiphysin is a component of presynaptic clathrin-coated intermediates formed during synaptic vesicle recycling.

Язык оригиналаанглийский
Страницы (с-по)514-528
Число страниц15
Номер выпуска7
СостояниеОпубликовано - 1 июл 2004
Опубликовано для внешнего пользованияДа

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  • Клеточная биология

ID: 40832744