• Ю.О. Филатова
  • Н.А. Дайхес
  • В.С. Басюк
  • С.Н. Феклистова
  • А.С. Мачалов
  • Н.В. Тарасова
  • М.В. Базанова
  • А.Д. Дубровская
Introduction. The most important factors ensuring the achievement of rehabilitation targets for children with hearing impairment include the coordinated work of specialists in different fields, as well as the level of professional competence of each of them. It is important that each of the "narrow" specialists understands the functions and significance of the work of others, ensuring continuity in achieving a common goal. Purpose. To study the maturity of different specialists’ perceptions about the content and essence of complex auditory-verbal rehabilitation of children with hearing impairment at the present stage. Materials and methods. The study involved 120 medical workers (audiologists, pediatricians, surgeons, otorhinolaryngologists), 314 teachers of various profiles implementing correctional and developmental work with children with hearing impairment, as well as the teaching staff of higher education institutions engaged in forming future sign language teachers. The questionnaire content was elaborated taking into account professional competencies required for high-quality implementation of comprehensive auditory-verbal rehabilitation of children with hearing impairment of different ages. Results. Our article presents a detailed analysis of the survey responses received. The specialists who took part in the survey had varying experience of working with children with hearing impairment, while most of the respondents had 2 to 5 years (57%) or over 10 years (28%) of experience. Conclusion. The results of the study clearly demonstrate the need for updating the content of training and advanced training of specialists involved in the rehabilitation of children with hearing impairment.
Переведенное названиеSpecialist’s Modern Professional Competencies in the Field of Complex Rehabilitation in Children with Hearing Impairment
Язык оригиналарусский
Страницы (с-по)255-263
Число страниц9
Номер выпуска2
СостояниеОпубликовано - 28 мая 2024
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