This contribution is about the peculiarities of the “myth about Pushkin” in Greek-speaking culture. In the first part, we describe the fieldwork research where we investigate what contemporary Greeks know about Pushkin. Then, we observe the most eminent translators and basic stages of the formation of the Greek “myth about Pushkin”, along with the analysis of the translating strategies and the way of narrating of Pushkin’s biography. We analyze the earliest stage of this process in the Greek-speaking culture as an illustration of Greek Pushkin studies. As a result, we think that the main problem here are the specific features of the “Pushkin’s text” and propose a concept that the uniqueness of Greek Pushkin originates from the unique Greek-Russian relations of the 2nd half (especially the last third) of the 19th century. They raised interest of Greek diaspora in the south of Russia towards Pushkin’s works, on the one hand, and the intention to combine “Russian Pushkin” and Greek “Great Idea”, on the other.
Переведенное название“Their-our Pushkin”: from the history of Greek Pushkin studies
Язык оригиналарусский
Страницы (с-по)222–273
Число страниц52
ЖурналИндоевропейское языкознание и классическая филология
Номер выпуска1
СостояниеОпубликовано - 2024

    Области исследований

  • Пушкин, «пушкинский миф», грекоязычная пушкиниана, литературный перевод, греко-русские культурные связи

    Предметные области Scopus

  • Языки и лингвистика
  • Литературоведение и теория литературы

ID: 121073453