

Стаж работы (общий)


St. Petersburg State University

Docent (Associate professor)

St. Petersburg, RU


Studied prenatal development of human brain with multi-color immunofluorescence using confocal, multiphoton microscopes and optical clearing techniques (CLARITY, SWITCH). Adapted methods of molecular histology (mass spectroscopy imaging) to the study of post-mortem brain tissues and other biological objects. Researched differences in anthocyanin content in a collection of rye mutants. Created lecture and practice course “Methods in Neurobiology” for undergrads.



St. Petersburg State University

Head of «Research Resource Center for molecular and cell technologies» core facility.

St. Petersburg, RU



Negotiated required configuration of the research equipment with researchers and suppliers. Preparedthe project of the core facility. Supervised renovation of the buildingsfor installation of optical and electron microscopy equipment. Managed acquisition of supplies. Co-authored brief manuals and standard operations procedures for the equipment and methods. Duringthe after warranty period maintained and repaired microscopy, mass-spectrometry and sequencing equipment. Created some peaces of laboratory equipment which were not commercially available (clearing chambers, holders, microscopy adapters) using 3D-printing and DIY electronics.


St. Petersburg State University

Head of «Functional Neuromorphology» laboratory

St. Petersburg, RU



Studied prenatal development of human brain with immunofluorescence and MRI methods which allowed to file national patent “A method for the diagnosis of cerebral palsy”(RU2473311C1). Programming skills allowed for creation of automatic program for prognosis during routine MRI screening of newborns. Installed and maintained centralized microscopy image database (OMERO) and laboratory information system. Implemented automatic pipeline for acquisition and stitching of multiple high magnificationmulti-channel fluorescence images to create digital representation of full microscopic slide.


St.Petersburg State University

Senior Lecturer

St. Petersburg, RU


Created lectures and practice courses for graduates: “Computer aided morphometry and image processing”, “Advanced optical microscopy”.

Created lectures and practice courses for undergraduates: “Analysis of functional brain images”, “Methods of visualization of biological objects”


St.Petersburg State University

Junior lecturer

St. Petersburg, RU


Created lectures and practice courses for TEMPUS graduate students program:

«Basic light microscopy and computer aided morphometry», «Confocal microscopy workshop».


St.Petersburg State University

Junior research assistant

St. Petersburg, RU


Studied modular organization of neocortex in model animals using classical histological techniques.Carried out summer practice sessionsfor undergrads on surgery of small laboratory rodents.


St.Petersburg State University

Junior laboratory assistant

St. Petersburg, RU



Created video capture microscopy set-up for computer aided morphological analysis of immunostained samples. Was responsible for microscopy equipment and immunostaining for other lab members.


DIY electronics, Music (Piano and Euphonium), Japaneese language, Diving, Horse riding


  1. Генетический контроль биосинтеза флавоноидных пигментов у ржи Secale cereale L.

    Результаты исследований: Публикации в книгах, отчётах, сборниках, трудах конференцийтезисы в сборнике материалов конференциинаучнаяРецензирование

  2. Поиск генов-кандидатов для мутаций, нарушающих образование синаптонемного комплекса, в секвенированном геноме ржи Secale cereale

    Результаты исследований: Научные публикации в периодических изданияхстатьяРецензирование

  3. База данных для экспресс-выявления участвующих в синтезе флавоноидов генов (FLVs)

    Результаты исследований: Патентование и регистрация прав на ИСпатентная заявка

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  1. ДОП Методические подходы к получению и анализу метаболомных данных с использованием масс-спектрометрии

    Деятельность: Участие в мероприятиях или организация мероприятий (событий)Организация конференции, заседания рабочей группы, ...

  2. Научно-технологический университет Сириус

    Деятельность: Посещение внешних институтовПосещение внешнего академического института

  3. Флавоноиды красной ржи - недооценённое разнообразие и функциональная пища.

    Деятельность: Выступление на научной конференциивыступление с приглашенным докладом

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