Иван Станиславович Блеканов - Докладчик

Светлана Сергеевна Бодрунова - Докладчик

Нина Николаевна Журавлева - Докладчик

Анна Сергеевна Смолярова - Докладчик

Никита Андреевич Тарасов - Докладчик

Background. Topic modelling is a method of automated probabilistic detection of topics in a text collection. Use of topic modelling for short texts, e.g. tweets or search engine queries, is complicated due to their short length and grammatical flaws, including broken word order, abbreviations, and contamination of different languages. At the same time, as our research shows, human coding cannot be perceived as a baseline for topic quality assessment. Objectives. We use biterm topic model (BTM) to test the relations between two topic quality metrics independent from topic coherence with the human topic interpretability. Topic modelling is applied to three cases of conflictual Twitter discussions in three different languages, namely the Charlie Hebdo shooting (France), the Ferguson unrest (the USA), and the anti-immigrant bashings in Biryulevo (Russia), which represent, respectively, a global multilingual, a large monolingual, and a mid-range monolingual type of discussions. Method. First, we evaluate the human baseline coding by providing evidence for the Russian case on the coding by two pairs of coders who have varying levels of knowledge of the case. We then measure the quality of modelling on the level of topics by looking at topic interpretability (by experienced coders), topic robustness, and topic saliency. Results. The results of the experiment show that: 1) the idea of human coding as baseline needs to be rejected; 2) topic interpretability, robustness, and saliency can be inter-related; 3) the multilingual discussion performs better than the monolingual ones in terms of interdependence of the metrics. Conclusion. We formulate the idea of an ‘ideal topic’ that rethinks the goal of topic modelling towards finding a smaller number of good topics rather instead of maximization of the number of interpretable topics.
19 июл 202024 июл 2020

Событие (конференция)

Заголовок12th International Conference on Social Computing and Social Media, SCSM 2020, held as part of the 22nd International Conference on Human-Computer Interaction, HCII 2020
Степень признаниямеждународный уровень

ID: 75022610